Cannabichromene, aka CBC

Demonstrates the Benefits of the Entourage Effect

It may sound made up, like the name of some Rasta-inspired Transformers cartoon character, but Cannabichromene, or CBC, is actually one of the three major cannabinoids along with its more well-known counterparts CBD and THC.

Like CBD and THC, CBC is created as a result of the enzymic breakdown of CBG… ok, ok that’s a lot of acronyms. Let’s stop slurping that alphabet soup for now and get to the real meat of the matter.

Although it is one of just three “major” cannabinoids, CBC naturally expresses itself in very small quantities compared to CBD or THC which can be bred to express ever-rising totals.

This is the predominant reason why most people have not heard of CBC and why we do not see many products on store shelves proudly touting its many therapeutic benefits.

Let’s take a closer look to see what CBC is really all about.


Much like CBD, Cannabichromene is non-psychoactive, so it does not deliver the “high” that THC is infamous for. Unlike CBD (and THC, for that matter…) cannabis plants cannot be bred to express double digits for CBC in the total cannabinoid percentage breakdown.

This cannabinoid can be isolated and extracted into a concentrated form which is how it is able to be effectively researched.

So far, that research has provided quite a bit of insight into the therapeutic potential of CBC. It has also provided further proof of what most cannabis and hemp connoisseurs already knew – cannabinoids always work better together.

This ‘entourage effect’ as it is colloquially referred to is achieved by combining cannabinoids, ideally in ratios that would be naturally expressed by the plant itself.

As CBC studies have shown, this particular cannabinoid has powerful neuroregenerative and anti-inflammatory effects on the human body by activating CB2 receptors in our endocannabinoid system.

However, CBC cannot activate the CB1 receptors on its own. When combined with even a subperceptual microdose amount of THC which will fire on those CB1 receptors, the therapeutic value of CBC is intensified.

This ‘broad spectrum’ approach appears to be the highest and best curative use of CBC.


As mentioned, CBC is considered to be non-psychoactive due to its inability to successfully bind to those CB1 receptors like THC can.

However, it does bind to not only the CB2 receptors, but others as well. As it does so, it triggers our endocannabinoid system to produce… well… endocannabinoids called anandamide.

Plant-derived cannabinoids like CBD, CBC, or THC are called phytocannabinoids.

Anandamide, produced by us not by plants, is an endocannabinoid.

Anandamide itself holds tremendous therapeutic value and is thought to be a major catalyst in the success that many cancer patients experience when they use cannabis to induce its production.

CBC offers the added benefit of inhibiting the uptake of anandamide once it is released into the body, allowing it to remain in the bloodstream longer, extending its healing capability even further.

Peer-reviewed research dating back nearly two decades to 2006 shows that CBC is the 2nd-most potent cannabinoid for combating the growth of cancer cells, with its precursor cannabinoid CBG being the most effective.

Much like with cancer treatment and anandamide production, lab-grade research on animal test subjects has shown that the anti-inflammatory effects of both THC and CBC are far more effective when dosed in combination with one another as opposed to isolated applications. CBC (with a dash of THC) can potentially block the pain associated with common ailments like osteoarthritis.

CBC has shown promise in the field of mental health as well offering a prospective all-natural remedy for depression when combined with CBD and THC

It can even fight acne! Yep, that’s right, CBC and its incredible anti-inflammatory properties can inhibit acid and lipid production in the glands where acne forms.

Now you can feel better AND look better with this multipurpose cannabinoid!

CBC has been isolated and studied for over a half a century but recent decriminalization and legalization victories in the cannabis and hemp movements have opened the doors to long overdue lab-grade research on cannabinoids, terpenes, and the mutually beneficial and symbiotic relationship between them.

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